south eastern
North-east; The Southwest; South west; North west; South east; North east; Northeastern; Southwestern; Southeastern; North-West; South-east; North-west; North by east; North-northeast; Northeast by north; Northeast by east; East-northeast; East by north; East by south; East-southeast; Southeast by east; Southeast by south; South-southeast; South by east; South by west; South-southwest; Southwest by south; West-southwest; West by north; West-northwest; North-northwest; Northwest by north; Southwest by west; West by south; Northwest by west; North by west; NbE; NNE; NEbN; NEbE; WbS; SbW; NbW; NWbW; SEbE; SWbW; NWbN; SWbS; South-west; Northwesterner; South Eastern; Südwest; South Western; North Eastern; South-eastern; Compass points; Compass directions; Suedwest; Sudwest; Southeasterly; South-easterly; South easterly; North-East; South-East; South-West; Far southeast; Compass heading; NorthWest; Box the compass; South-Western; West southwest; South southwest; South southeast; East southeast; East northeast; North northeast; North northwest; West northwest; Quarter-winds; Principal winds; Half-wind; Quarter wind; Quarter-wind; West-Northwest; North-eastern; The Southeast; The Northwest; Northeast; Northwest; Southwest; Southeast; Boxing the compass; Points on the compass; Southest
adj. südöstlich, von oder sich auf den Südosten beziehend; gen Südosten; aus dem Südosten stammend; von oder sich auf die südöstliche Region der USA beziehend